Denounce! The Now Show

This is the first of what I fear will be a long series of posts accusing some particularly nasty form of misogyny I have encountered and that no one else seems to have noticed.

Today I bring you this pearl from “The Now Show”, a comedy programme for BBC Radio 4. That’s right, it’s paid by people’s taxes. As if that ever stopped anyone pumping sexism in the already saturated modern culture. And since The Now Show, despite being a part of the BBC AND of Radio 4, doesn’t seem to be very welcoming of criticism, ie: they don’t allow comments on their web site, I felt I had to make use of my little corner of the world to dump the manure that is crushing my sensitive heart and to DENOUNCE THE NOW SHOW FOR THEIR BLATANT.. how can I but it?… MISOGYNY.

“Prince William apparently used a 10 million pound REF (something or other) helicopter to get him and his brother to a stag night”

Way to go for the future king! He has to continue with a long tradition of denigrating women and he’s definitely catching up in his short, spoilt and otherwise entirely pointless existence. But this is not what has bugged me the most.

“(…) so we’ve asked our audience what’s the best perk of their job…”

Well, what did you expect? Some kind of QUESTIONING of the well approved and embraced nature of the stag night??? Of course not. They could have at least mentioned that going to a stag night doesn’t constitute part of either of the princes “jobs”, if they can be said to have ANY. But questioning ANYTHING seems to be out of modern society’s mental capabilities.

That’s why something like this can take place:

“… and I have to say they have responded magnificently to this. (…). What’s the best perk of your job? An endless sucession of hot babe eye-candy to oogle. Ever exploited it? No, I’m their teacher. ”
*insane laugher and clapping from the audience ensues*.

I’m sure I don’t need to explain to anyone reading THIS blog WHY this kind of SHITE is NEGATIVE and, in now effing way, FUNNY. But apparently, everyone else in this world doesn’t seem to get it. Shame there’s very little chance of them coming across this blog or any other feminist blog for that matter.

Then we are all shocked when a peadophile makes it to the news. That includes the BBC news.

5 Responses so far »

  1. 1

    pisaquaririse said,

    “Then we are all shocked when a peadophile makes it to the news. ”

    Yes, mock-shock. But really the doods are scramblin to their nearest Google to see what the little babe(y) looked like.

  2. 2

    Lara said,

    Jesus Mary and Joseph I am so sorry you had to listen to that 😦 I don’t listen to the radio (here in the US) because it would make my head explode.
    You could maybe call in and ask them why they think exploiting women is funny. Or you could get a huge group of women together to call in the station over one or two nights and protest the misogynist crap they spew. At least it will show that not everyone thinks it’s funny or is putting up with it.

  3. 3

    Mary Tracy9 said,

    Thank you, Lara. Sometimes you need to hear it from a fellow feminist to check you are not mad for reacting to this rubbish.

  4. 4

    pisaquaririse said,

    Lara’s call idea is good.
    Maybe pose as mothers concerned for your children. Say ” I just want to know the name of the teacher who sees his students as eye candy or at least know where he works so I may prevent my child’s attendance at a school with a pedophile.”

    That might wake them up.

  5. 5

    Michelle said,

    Oh Mary, that’s fucking awful! And on BBC Radio 4? I mean, I could imagine this sort of thing getting through on BBC Radio 1, but Radio 4? Urrgh. And I suppose the audience laughter/applause was made up of men? How infuriating! You def. need to voice your concern. Like you said, the media can’t go around denouncing paedophilia one minute but endorse those attitudes the next.

    Although, with complaining, there’s always the chance you’ll get told ‘it’s just a joke’ and ‘no offense was meant’ or that ‘it’s want the target audience want’, which can leave you more angry than before!

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